Job Hunt Update – I Got a Job!

Since I started this blog originally to talk about my job hunt, and maybe find a job in the process, I thought it appropriate to update that portion of the blog.

I am now working full-time!!  It was a strange process to finally get to this point, and a long, frustrating one too. 

After years and literally hundreds of resume submittals, a friend called me in November and asked if I’d be interested in coming into her office and helping out while an employee was out for a week.   Of course I was interested, money!!  So I stared by answering phones, and wiggled my way into helping out with some other stuff, to show my worth. 😉

Miraculously while I was there, another employee quit.  It was a part-time clerk position, but I was desperate, and I had already worked at the company 4 days and was starting to like the company, the management, etc.  I asked if they were going to replace the employee and was first told no, not until they got busy again.  However, by Friday they were asking me if I wanted the position and promising that it might grow into a full-time gig eventually.  Whoo Hoo!!!  They were willing to work around the kids’ school schedule, so the part-time pay was a well-needed addition to our household without having to drain it all back into childcare.

Funnily enough, during that temp week, I continued my job hunt, and of course, was offered two other positions that same week!  When it rains it pours, seriously.

That was November 2011; by the end of January, another employee had to leave the company and I was offered her full-time Project Management position.  Honestly, it was not as easy a decision as I thought, considering I had looked for full-time work for years.  I had gotten quite comfortable working almost full time with a flexible schedule!

However, my current boss pointed out that I was going to get bored very quickly working a monotonous clerk job.   Also, we needed the more money and the benefits.  So I took the position, was able to get paid enough to make child care work, and after 3 months I just was able to start saving money on the health insurance that we’ve been paying out-of-pocket till now.

At the end of the day, the saying is true, it’s who you know.  I am grateful to my friend Kara for thinking of me, and my family is adjusting pretty well to our new schedule.

Procrastination Queeen!

I am the queen of procrastination.  I purchased a book about overcoming procrastination and have not gotten around to reading it yet; I’d rather read something else.  Every day at work I look at what’s on my desk, my to-do list, and decide most of it can be done the next day; so I chose the one I’d prefer to do rather than the one that is priority.  I look at the laundry every day and think that I need to get to it, but don’t actually until I literally have no more underwear.  And the list goes on and on.

I often find myself making up excuses, the most common one being that I’m too tired or not feeling well and tomorrow I’ll feel better and be up to it.  The age-old excuse of “I work better under pressure” is somewhat true, I rarely let something of major importance go; I just end up rushing and going crazy to get it done last-minute.  However, there are many less important things that do fall thru the cracks due to this bad habit. I know it annoys the crap out of my family and friends too.

So, do you consider yourself a procrastinator?  Or if you’re a recovering procrastinator, how did you overcome it?  Frankly, there’s a part of me that isn’t really interested in overcoming it, that would mean having to do all those things I really don’t want to do.