I Love Soda


I know it’s taboo to drink soda, and especially to admit you like it, but I’m feeling like a rebel today.  🙂 

I don’t drink it often, I know it’s terrible for me, I’m aware of all the bad effects on my body.  However, I love the taste of it, Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, 7-Up, and many others, they’re just so yummy to me!  I especially love the real sugar versions, and I don’t really like the diet ones.  If I’m going to drink it, I feel like I may as well drink the real stuff.  Now, if I drank it daily, that may be different.  I know a few people who stopped drinking soda daily and lost 10-20 lbs., without changing anything else.  So like I said, I know it’s bad, I try to avoid it, but sometimes, I just gotta do it!

Be honest, do you like it?  Do you drink it?  Daily or just as an occasional treat?